Laptop Repairs
Laptop Repairs

IT and Technology

If you have mobile fleets that you are looking to dispose of, recycle, repair or resell we can help.

Every month our highly skilled mobile device technicians process around 20,000 devices and that figure is growing month on month.

Operating and managing large quantities of mobile devices for clients – can be problematic when they get broken or they become beyond repair, and we understand the need to repair and/or replace these devices as quickly as possible.

We are also asset management specialists and will work with you take a mobile fleet off your hands, for an extremely competitive price.

We understand that GDPR compliance and data security is absolutely vital. We have strict processes in place to ensure that all regulations are met, and devices are 100% data wiped. Where this is not possible, we can destroy and recycle any non-data safe equipment, providing evidence of this for our customers’ audit requirements.

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